Modeling temporal variation in air temperature
Campbell, G.S. and J.M. Norman (1997) An
introduction to environmental biophysics
Equation (2.2) and (2.3) page23
dimentionless diurnal temperature function
Gamma(t) = 0.44
– 0.46 sin(w * t + 0.9) + 0.11 sin(2wt + 0.9)
Where w = pi/12, t is time of day in hours
The hourly temperature calculated from
following equations
T(t) = Tmax,i-1
Gamma(t) + Tmin,i [1-Gamma(t) ]
0 < t <= 5
T(t) = Tmax,i
Gamma(t) + Tmin,i [1-Gamma(t) ]
5 < t <= 14
T(t) = Tmax,i
Gamma(t) + Tmin,i+1 [1-Gamma(t) ]
5 < t <= 14
Here, Tmax is the daily maximum temperature
and Tmin is the minimum temperature. The subscript I represents the present
day; i - 1 is the previous day, and i + 1 is the next day.